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Sweat lodge ceremony

We invite you to a sweat lodge experience at Woodst Retreats. A gateway to deep reconnection with the heart and renewal of our relationship connections. Our sweat lodge ceremony is a unique opportunity to cleanse and strengthen the body, mind and soul in an environment of ancient wisdom and respect for nature. Step into a world of sacred rituals and discover the power of the elements in one of the most meaningful and transformative experiences you will ever experience.

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Wat is een zweethut?

A sweat lodge ceremony is a deeply healing/cleansing ritual that has its roots in the indigenous cultures of America. It also has its own unique shapes all over the world.

At Woodst Retreats this experience is offered in a therapeutic setting. Together with a unique, safe, respectful and inspiring environment. We do not follow a movement, but we do get a lot of inspiration from Shamanism.

During the ceremony you will enter a purpose-built hut, heated by hot stones, where you will participate in sharings, singing and meditative silence. It is a space for personal reflection, healing and letting go of what no longer serves you.

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The experience

The sweat lodge ceremony at Woodst Retreats is designed to provide you with a powerful, personal journey. Accompanied by experienced guides, you will be guided through the four rounds (four cardinal directions) of the ceremony, each with their own themes and intentions. It is both a physical cleansing and a spiritual quest, where the warmth of the sweat lodge helps to release physical toxins as well as emotional and spiritual blockages.

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Are you ready to start this powerful journey? Whether you are looking for personal healing, spiritual growth or simply a unique experience, Woodst Retreats' sweat lodge ceremony awaits you. Prepare for an experience that could change your life.

We have two cabins. One for up to 13 people. And a cabin for up to 20 people. Indicate in your email whether you are booking for a (own) group and the group size.

If you want to book for yourself: please indicate whether you want to participate individually (1 on 1) or in a group. Then indicate which period you want to reserve. Then we invite you to the next cabin.

For questions: Contact

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Book a sweat lodge

Complete the form if you would like to register for a sweat lodge ceremony on a scheduled date.

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