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Frequently Asked Questions

We get a lot of questions about Woodst (which we really like!), but because we want to help you as quickly as possible, you will find the most important questions with the answers on this page.

Is your question not listed? Don't worry, we're happy to answer your questions. In that case, please contact us via thecontact page.

You can find out how we deal with corona atthis page.

Where do we sleep?


Since edition 2022 it is also possible to participate with your own tent! 


Participants who have booked a tent from Woodst will sleep in a shared spacious bell tent that they set up themselves with the other participants on the first day of camp. You can sleep 4 to 6 people in the tent. Mats, a pillow and sleeping bag must be brought by yourself. 


Do you want more privacy? Then it is possible to rent a tent or bring your own tent.


Cancellation insurance arranged?
Your trip is insured if you have taken out travel insurance and are unable to travel due to illness. The exact rules that apply depend on the insurance you have taken out. It is therefore best to look at the website of your insurance company. If you need help, we are happy to look with you.


If you have become ill from the Corona virus before you go on holiday, you (often) have to request a doctor's statement from your GP.


Are there specific measures for Woodst?
We follow the directions and advice of the government. Going on holiday in the Netherlands and abroad is simply possible, but certain rules may apply at home and abroad. Keep an eye on the website


Do I have to be vaccinated to go with Woodst?
No, that is not mandatory in the Netherlands. This is also not asked or checked.

For international travel, you may need to be vaccinated and/or have an international green QR code. 


What is included in the price?
With a ticket with a shared tent: camp bed, warm woolen blanket.


A ticket with food includes breakfast, lunch and dinner + drinks.


For an all-inclusive ticket we have a very nice and full program. Think of an outdoor activity. But also Yoga, Meditation. If the location allows it, there is also a sauna, hot tub and / or cold tub. And group conversations, coaching, and learn your new personal life skills. 


Do you have another ticket? Then there are many activities included, only for some excursions and / or workshops we ask a small extra charge. 


We have these capabilities to keep Woodst as accessible as possible. Is it not possible for you to come along? Feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities.


What should I bring to Woodst?

You will receive the packing list for Woodst personally from our organization before you go on holiday.


Are mobile phones allowed?

Certainly! But how nice is it if everyone is really on Woodst, instead of diving into their phone to answer the list of forgotten apps. It's so nice to put your phone aside for a while, isn't it? 


Do boys and girls sleep separately?

A layout of the tents is made on location. If desired, people can choose to sleep unmixed and/or mixed.


Is alcohol allowed?

Participants are free to have a drink at Woodst in the evenings, but excessive alcohol consumption is reason to intervene. Woodst is emphatically not a gaming and/or drinking holiday!


Do we also get free time?

Certainly! Activities will be scheduled every day during Woodst. It is possible to do your own thing in your free hours.


What are the Woodst tee times?

You are welcome from 10:00 on the start date of your holiday. You can be picked up at the latest around 12:00 on the last day. Of course, if everything is left tidy. 


What do we get to eat during the summer camp?

If you have booked food, you can enjoy three meals a day at Woodst, as well as snacks and drinks. You don't have to worry about whether you're getting enough to eat. In addition, the dietary requirements of all participants are taken into account. 


If you have booked without food, you can of course just use thefacilities to cook your own dish, or pay 10.00 euros on the spot to eat with breakfast, lunch and dinner


How do you make sure everything is safe?

The tour guide is present day and night with the participants, they consider safety of paramount importance. Our tour guides all receive training as tour guides prior to the camp. During this training they get to know the script, they discuss everything about the camp, they train social skills on how to stand in front of a group with confidence, recite, explain and discuss something enthusiastically, but also how to deal with difficult situations and they learn camp skills so they can instruct and delegate to the group.  


How many tour guides are there?

There will be four trained tour guides on a group size of 20 people. They are available day and night for a pleasant chat or just to relieve your heart. 


What agreements apply at the camp?

To find out more about the rules that apply at the camp, clickhere.


Where can I get special requests en pass on details?

During registration it is possible to pass on details. Will you come up with something later? Then send us an email. This can be done via thecontact page.


What age range is Woodst for?

Woodst is for 18 to 27 year olds. Are you just a little younger or older? Then please contact us viacontact form, dan we see if there is a solution. 


Can I also take an option on a holiday?

Certainly! If you are not sure yet whether you can come along, but want to be assured of a place, you can take an option on a holiday. Then we will hold your spot. Make sure that you have confirmed your place 1 week before departure. 


Can a holiday also be cancelled?

Yes, we need a minimum group size of 8 young people to run a holiday. In principle, all weeks will continue, as long as we have enough bookings in advance. Unfortunately, we cannot predict how many participants will come along, so please let us know as early as possible that you want to join by taking an option or book immediately.There may also be othersreasons are we have to cancel. 


If you want to know which weeks are popular, see which weeks have a flame on them. They usually run best or have built up a nice group size in between. We understand that everyone would like clarity about whether the holiday will continue. That's why we try to give final information at least 1 week in advance whether it will take place or not. 


In the unlikely event that we cancel your booking? Think about a back-up plan. For example, you can move your trip to another date, or you can get your money back.  Please feel free to let us know a backup date in advance. 

Do you have another question?

Send us an email or fill in the form below! we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks for your message!

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